Thursday, April 30, 2020


This past Tuesday I celebrated my best birthday yet !  But then I think I say that every year . . . probably because I am so old I can't remember last years birthday so every year is THE BEST !!
But I do think that this year was extra special. I have hit the THREE QUARTER CENTURY mark.  Whoa !! That sure sounds old to me. Good thing I don't feel like I'm three quarters of century old.
I only feel seventy five and feeling pretty good for an old bird of that age.  Although it does feel like it was just yesterday that I was celebrating my twelfth birthday back in Queens, NY.   How is it possible that all those years have disappeared so quickly?  I remember that 12th birthday as if it WAS yesterday . . . I can't remember my 74th birthday at all but twelve is clear as a bell. Guess that's one of  the first signs of getting older and I will accept it gracefully but I will NOT give in to the idea of being OLD. My brain will be forever young . . . some might say immature or childish . . . what ever you want to call it,  I'm never growing up !!  (If Peter Pan can do it so can I)

So when my birthday arrived this year in the midst of Covid 19 pandemic I figured I would make my own party right here at the ole homestead. Dwayne and I planned ahead and ordered live lobsters to be shipped from Maine so we would have a celebratory dinner but I never expected all the extras that arrived during the day.  The lobsters got here around 9:00 AM and entertained us all day with their little scuffling sounds from their cooler. Right after their arrival the UPS man showed up with a big package from my WFF (wonderful Florida Friend) Theresa and her husband Steve.  It was like Christmas morning opening up the gift basket of wine and goodies ! It was all I could do to keep from cracking open one of the wine bottles and boxes of snacks at 9:30 in the morning. I did manage to contain my excitement because the next thing we knew there was a call from "Edible Arrangements" saying they had a delivery for me. When that arrived we didn't even hesitate to tear into the dozen GIGANTIC, DELICIOUS chocolate covered strawberries from my BFF Sharon and her husband Bob.  I mean, these strawberries were as big as billiard balls and covered in dark chocolate . . .  OH MY !!!!!  Two strawberries a piece later we were moaning in our chairs out on the lanai when the florist arrived with a beautiful arrangement of yellow roses, purple somethings and yellow Lillies. If it wasn't sunny enough out side these flowers just lit up the day !  Especially when I found out they were from the Pompano Grand kids, Smith, Wynn and Grey. By now I was in total heaven! A few days earlier Kyle and Bridget gave me a years subscription to Disney+ channel and Keri and Steve gave me the gift of a "fire stick" so I can get Disney+ on my TV. Life doesn't get much better than wine, roses and chocolate covered strawberries while sitting watching some of my favorite Disney movies.

But the day was far from over . . .  Suddenly there was the joyous sounds of Kaelin and Finn running up the path with a balloon, a card and a home made banner. Keri brought them over under the pretense of delivering some groceries she had picked up for us so we had an impromptu party on the lanai.  Kaelin had made up a bunch of "questions" so we could play the game, "Never Have I Ever". This was totally unfamiliar to me but we all got into it and I believe Dwayne won because he has done just about everything, including getting thrown off a school bus, cheating on a test and being sent to the principals office. The kids were rolling on the ground listening to his stories regarding all these events in his life.  All I can say is it's no wonder he had to hide in with the pigs so his mom wouldn't smack him. He and his 6 brothers must have been terrors . . . God Bless his mother.

Once Keri and the kids left we were sitting catching our breath when another delivery arrived. This time it was a roast chicken, cole slaw and fresh fruit from one of the local restaurants. Kyle and Kent had gotten together and had this sent to us for a dinner so I wouldn't have to cook on my birthday. They didn't know about the lobsters so we had roast chicken Wednesday night instead.  After pigging out on our 2 pound lobsters and four pounds of butter we closed off the evening with some Carvel Ice cream cake from Dwayne. Wouldn't you know he would be the one to think about dessert!

And then the celebrating oozed right on into Wednesday when Kent told me to expect a "delivery" around 1:00. He wouldn't say what, just that he wanted it delivered on my birthday but with all that 's going on it could not arrive until Wednesday. Around 1:15 Kent sent a text saying he heard from the delivery guy and he would be here shortly so I should go out side and watch for it. Imagine my surprise when I saw Smith, Wynn and Grey come up the path with balloons, chocolate birthday cake, more chocolate covered strawberries and a special home made card from Grey.
              TOTAL SURPRISE !!!!
They visited outside with us for about 2 hours during which I got to give the twins their month late birthday gifts and the Easter baskets that the bunny had left here for the 3 of them. By the time they all left we were all covered in chocolate from cake and strawberries and happy happy happy !!!!!

So . . .  it was an EXTRAORDINARY birthday that I will NOT forget any time soon.  I shall remember these days every time I get on the scale and see the 40 pound weight gain from the last
 2 days !

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