Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Don't expect to hear from me for a couple of days . . . unless something outrageous happens. 

We left Michigan today and are driving down to Florida.  We should be there by Sunday and I can not   wait !  I think The Man is just as excited as I am because he really wants to be warm and that forecast of snow for this weekend really lit a fire under him to get out of town.   

Hopefully all will go smoothly.  Today we drove over five hundred miles to get ourselves into Ohio for the night.  A stay at a nice motel and dinner from Taco Bell drive through has us now sitting on the bed ready to crash early so we can get moving again in the morning.  I actually was up before 7:00 AM this morning and we were on the road by 8:00 in time to see a spectacular sunrise.  I have not seen a sunrise in years . . . possibly decades. It was beautiful and a wonderful way to start the day.  The fact that it started to rain about an hour into the drive didn't dampen our spirits nor slow us down.  The Man was in jet plane mode so we made great time driving until just before five o'clock tonight.  

It is getting slightly warmer outside.  This morning it was 37 degrees in Michigan so we didn't hesitate to jump in the car and get moving.  We have managed to get some fifty degree weather here in Ohio but that's not nearly warm enough so we will continue our journey tomorrow with plans to stop just north of Atlanta, GA so we can stop on Saturday morning to visit my oldest child and his family who I have not seen in AGES !!!  That is almost as exciting as the thought of warm weather. 

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