Sunday, January 23, 2011


It was a typical British day here, cold and damp, damp, damp. But that is what we expected of England this time of year so we are not disappointed. Bridget took the kids to a bowling birthday party this morning and Kyle, Ger and I took a leisurely walk into town to attend 11 AM mass at St. Stephen's. The church hadn't changed much since our last trip here except that the nice cool stone church from this past summer was cold and damp today. Even the wooden pews were harder and colder. After mass we walked over to the Windsor Trooper for a breakfast of gammon ham (whatever that is. It looked like a slice of plain old ordinary ham.), one egg, mushrooms, (that were just fabulously delicious), peas, (that Ger refused to eat.), and chips. ( Who in their right mind has peas and french fries for breakfast?) It was a real English breakfast and it warmed us up after sitting in cold stone church for an hour. From there we walked home taking another route that took us through an old, old cemetery. These poor folk don't live very long in this climate. Reading the tomb stones as we passed many of the deceased were only in their early seventies when they died. I told Ger that if we lived here I'd be getting worried. (And if we ever decided to move here I would take out a REALLY BIG insurance policy on him.)
Once we got home we found the kids back from their party and getting ready to finish up their weekend homework. Abby was NOT a happy camper but did manage to get settled down to work on her penmanship. The fact that she is sitting on the floor to practice writing isn't helping her penmanship but she still seems to be taking after her dad with a head for math skills rather than writing. While the kids were doing their homework I called Sam, the receptionist from the chiropractors office that I visited when last in Windsor. She and I have been emailing off and on and I promised to meet her for a pint on our return trip. Sam was working off a hangover from last night so she was headed to the Prince Albert for "some hair of the dog that bit her". Kyle and family joined Ger and I in walking down to the corner pub and everyone got to meet Sam and Blokey. (Sam's man's name is Tony but he is fondly referred to as "Bloke" or "Blokey". He was a very nice guy and we enjoyed standing and talking for an hour. Kyle and Family established themselves at a table and the kids enjoyed crisps (potato chips) and Nehi sodas while Kyle and Bridget had a pint, (or two. But who's counting?) Good byes were then said and off we went to return home and get ready for dinner, baths and bed.
It was a great day all around.

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