Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I want to be sitting outside in the sun reading my book and pulling in the last of the Florida rays before we head off to rainy old England but there are so many little things I have been putting off till this last minute. And then there will be the 42 phone calls to wish us a good trip or to ask for money.  That was the last call, some charity asking us to pledge money to them. Our standard answer is "we don't pledge money over the phone" but some how that never stops them. But that is another whole blog for another day.
Today is about making sure I did pack some underwear and some makeup . . . two of the most vital things a woman needs when traveling. We also got our boarding passes and have the pass ports in an accessible place. Ger has been running around all morning getting his hair cut and ordering bagels. How can we go visit our grand kids and not bring them REAL bagels? If we really loved them we would have had Aunt Ann Marie buy some NEW YORK BAGELS for them but they will have to make do with Florida imitations.  NO Joke folks, there is nothing like a NY bagel. No matter where we have traveled we have never found a bagel to match those made in NY. We have decided that it must have to do with the water in NY. Lets face it, Florida Swamp Water is just not the same as those crystal clear waters coming from the Adirondack Mountains in NY. (Of course, by the time those crystal clear waters make it to NYC they ain't so crystal clear.) Maybe that's what gives them the flavor. Pizza also falls in to the same category. There is no pizza like a good NY pizza. I may be a Floridian at heart but my stomach will always be NY.
So as we spend the day trying to think of every possible thing that needs doing before we leave town I am concentrating on where we will have dinner. NO way am I cooking the night before we leave town! And I really don't want pizza or bagels so we'll have to come up with something else.
It's a good thing they don't weigh the passengers when they weight your bags before your flight.

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