Thursday, December 1, 2011


I wanted to write this blog last night but H was already in bed reading and he "frowns upon" my using the computer while he is in bed. (Command Central is now located in the bedroom, rather than the garage) I think his problem stems from my giving attention to something other than him but who knows.  All I know is that it causes a great deal of huffing and humphing and throat clearing. So to avoid that I went to bed and ran this through my head while H continued to read QUIETLY.
ANY WHOOOOOOOOOO   The point I wanted to make was, LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL, MIND, BODY AND HEART !  That is a fact !  I know that when I laugh with my friends and on the rare occasions when I laugh with H it is a great healing tool.
I have been feeling like CRAP with a capitol "C" for the whole week. The infections in my body were really beating me up physically and mentally.  Monday and Tuesday I was just a wet noodle and not fit for company with anyone, no less a needy husband. Yesterday I started to rally and I started to function once again. H has been talking about "US" (me) putting together a Shutterfly photo book of our trip to England. He thought it would be a great Christmas gift for his sister Ann Marie, since she was with us on the trip and still has not figured out how to make copies of her photos. I agreed this would be an excellent idea but warned H that it would be time consuming and frustrating. ( I am not as computer literate as I would like to think and the proof is in me trying to create things like photo books.  Yea, Yea, they walk you through it but it is still frustrating till I get the hang of it at about page 40.)
Last night there was nothing on TV (we did watch Survivor) so I thought I would give the book a shot. It took me forever to figure out the size and type I wanted to work with but finally got started. (The other half of the "WE" in this project was watching crap on TV and too busy to help. Not that there was anything he could do other than annoy me with helpful suggestions like, "Can  you make that picture bigger? Move it to the left!". He doesn't realize that I am delighted just to have figured out how to get the freaking picture to STAY where I "dropped" it. )  An hour and a half later H wandered in to the bedroom to take his shower and see what I was cursing and swearing about. He showered and came out to read in bed and was highly entertained by my commentary that was going on as I fought the "PROJECT".  It got to the point where the 2 of us were laughing so hard that I couldn't see to work on the pictures any more.
It was a gift to have been reminded WHY I married this man. Ger made me laugh, a lot, and I think that is why I fell in love with him. Over the years life has gotten in the way and there hasn't been as much laughter but on those wonderful occasions when we find time to laugh it feels great !
I am sitting here thinking of "MR. PAPER CLIP",  "DEAD DOG" and a few other occasions from when we were traveling with the kids on our summer treks across the country in a station wagon and a pop up camper. I guess the laughter is always so much better because it is so unexpected. The usual grumps are smothered in giggles and guffaws and for those few moments LIFE IS GOOD!

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