Monday, December 19, 2011


 Who wouldn't want a slide in their living room? (Note the cat at the top of the stairs.)
Christmas arrived a little early this past weekend. Smith's mom and dad were very smart this year. They posted a "Christmas Wish List" on Amazon and it made shopping for the little man nice and easy.  One click shopping and a Little Tykes Slide was on it's way to Smith's house. It arrived there about a week ago and poor Kristen has been hiding it in the tiny guest bathroom. The 2 cats were delighted that Gma and Gpa came down on Sunday to drag the huge box out of the "kitty litter bathroom". I think the box was traumatizing the 2 kittys who probably haven't gone potty in a week.
After an interesting lunch out, (it is not polite to stare at 4 adults who can't handle one 17 month old little boy), we returned to their house and got to assembling THE SLIDE. Kent had it put together in the time that it took for Kristen to change Smith's diaper. (I can't imagine how S could put so much into his diaper when most of his and our lunches landed on the floor.)  Way to Go Little Tykes for making a product that was EASY EASY EASY to assemble. Smith came down the stairs with mommy and his eyes almost fell out of his head. He made a Bee Line for the slide and that took care of the next half hour. They must have one similar to it at his day care because he knew exactly what to do.
I love it when a gift is appreciated!
With any luck the slide may get moved out onto the patio but since K&K just found a FABULOUS wrought iron and slate patio table and chair set at a yard sale earlier this weekend the slide may be a permanent fixture in the living room.

After we returned from visiting with Smith we called the Maryland branch of the family and got to Skype with Kaelin and Finn. Dad was out with his friends for the afternoon and evening so Keri was entertaining the 2 little guys. They had just finished bath time and were in their jammies getting ready to settle for the evening. Keri looked like she had had a LONG night. Finn was in his JUMPEROO and Ger and I laughed our selves silly at the sight. A Jumperoo is the kid version of Bungee Jumping. The sling seat is fastened to 4 elastic straps that are suspended from the door frame. Finn was bouncing with his feet and nearly hitting the top of the door frame. He is so different from his sister who would sit quietly and not move.

Finn is jumping and just about crawling at 8 months old. You can just see the look in his eye that he wants to move. Kaelin was busy showing us all her Christmas books and had to run to get the SPECIAL book that grandma sent to her last week. It is one of those Hallmark books where you record your voice reading the story. Keri had me in tears describing Kaelin's reaction to opening the book and hearing my voice talking to her. 
This year I am really missing my daughter and her family but I know that once the holidays are over and Smith empties our tree of all his Christmas gifts G and I will probably start planning our next visit to MD.
You know we can't stay home more than a few weeks at a time.

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