Thursday, January 8, 2015

BOING ! BOING ! BOING ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Never mind "Sailing Along",  "Riding The Wave", "The Roller Coaster of Life" . . .   I am tethered to a Freaking Bungee Cord and am flipping between up and down faster than I can believe.

We have had occasions to go to Disney in Orlando and would often find ourselves riding along rt. 192 which is the Coney Island of the Orlando area.  Souvenir shops galore, carnival rides and attractions and junk food to feed the masses.  We once stayed at a Ho Jo in that area and just next door was this GOD awful Bungee ride.  People would pay big bucks to sit in a sling like chair that when released would shoot up toward the heavens only to free fall back down and then be yanked back up and fall back down and pulled back up and crash back down. THIS was considered FUN ! This thing would be going all day and all night. There were that many people actually enjoying this.

I am now riding my very own bungee. HOLY CRAP !  It just keeps getting more and more interesting every day !  One minute I am looking at Husband and thinking, "Wow, he looks really good today!" and the next minute I am in the closet picking out clothes to bury him in. No joke, it changes that fast. There is NO planning ahead because any thing beyond the here and now is a crap shoot. When I think he will be fine to go to get his PET scan done he suddenly looses every ounce of body mass and strength. I have to practically hold him up to get from wheel chair to car. Then we get to the doctor's office and I am planning in my head just how I am going to manage this next step Husband whips open the car door and starts climbing out ! I often find myself standing there shaking my head wondering WTF ?   Is it some chemical in his body that kicks off and on ?  Is it sugar highs?  Sugar lows ? Potassium ?  Electrolytes ? Fluids?  My head is spinning ! BOING BOING  BOING !!!

But the BEST part is, I have help ! That old cliche, LET GO - LET GOD, rings in my head constantly. I am totally into not getting excited, not trying to fix, not trying to do. I KNOW GOD has my back. I talk daily with my wonderful Guardian Angel and he is doing right by me. No matter what is going on these days I am at peace with it. We are taking things second to second and life is good.  When that bungee is crashing down toward the bottom I just grab some angel wings and know that I'm in good hands and the bungee will rise back up given time.  Faith is a powerful thing for me. I have my moments where I am a blubbering mass of snot and tears but that's cleansing and gives me the power to keep going cause I know I'm in good hands. As for the bungee, I will never say I like this ride. It is a bitch and a half but once your on the damn thing you just settle in and ride it out. That's where we are at and that's where we will be for as long as this ride keeps going.

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