Saturday, May 16, 2020


We have made it as far as Indiana where we will stay for the night.  Yesterday was an uneventful ride and I spent most of the time writing my novel. I think Kaelin has created a monster in her grand mother. A monster who is now so entrenched in her own story that I can't stop.

By the time we got to Macon around 4:00 PM Dwayne was exhausted. Being a man he does not let me drive so he spent the entire trip behind the wheel. We had only stopped twice in the eight hours that we were driving so both of us were glad to get out of the car and stretch out in the motel room. I have asked The Man many many times to just drive for a maximum of six hours and he tells me what a good idea that is but then once we get in the car we are like lemmings who can't help themselves but to keep going till we die. There are so many places along the way that I would love to stop at but that ain't never gonna happen!

So when The Man fell asleep last night at 8:45 I just shut off the TV and settled down to a half hour of solitaire on my iPad.  I had not slept well the last night at home so when I shut myself down at 9:15 I also was asleep within minutes.

UNTIL . . . . .

I was dead to the world and soooooo very very comfortable until I felt someone pulling on my foot. I opened one eye only to be blinded by the glaring light from the open bathroom door. I realized The Man was standing at the foot of the bed so I assumed it was morning and he had woken me to get up and get on the road. I felt like I had only slept an hour and was having a lot of trouble clearing the cobwebs from my brain.  I gave him a half hearted thumbs up to let him know I was semi conscious and would get moving as soon as I could wake up enough to get out of the bed.
It was at this point that The Man started speaking to me but since I do not sleep with my hearing aids in my ears I had NO idea what the hell he was babbling about. I could see he was agitated but I didn't smell smoke so I figured it couldn't be anything that awful.  I put my hand up to signal him to shut the "F" up and let me gather my wits but he just kept right on muttering and pacing. It was at this point that I put one hearing aid in one ear and asked him what was going on and what time was it.
When he said TWO AM I figured I must still be asleep and dreaming. But NO . . . it was indeed two o'clock in the morning. It was exactly 2:04 when I looked at my phone and began to realize The Man was insane and I was going to kill him. In the following couple of minutes I sorted out what had happened although I still do not know why I had to be woken up to participate in this insanity.

It seems that when he went to bed The Man had put his phone on the night stand next to his side of the bed. Unfortunately he had also left a half of a bottle of semi frozen water on the same stand. Apparently he woke up at two and when he looked at his phone to see what time it was his phone was dead. This threw him into panic mode because he needed the phone to be working so the alarm on it would wake us at 6:15 AM to get a jump on the 600 miles we were driving today. Because he had fallen asleep so early he never asked me to set my alarm so when his phone went dead he freaked. Now all this could have been handled quietly and in the dark if we didn't have to drive the long distance. If it was me I would have just gone back to sleep and left the motel when ever we woke up.
Oh No . . . Not Mr. Man . . .  He had turned on all the lights in the room and was swearing up a storm because, according to him, the ice in the water bottle on the night stand had melted and caused the bottle to sweat and leave a puddle. His phone happened to be sitting in that puddle so now he was convinced his phone, (the 1842 model flip phone that ought to be in a museum) was ruined !!!! He was ripping the phone apart to take out the "damaged" battery while all the while muttering to himself and cursing the water bottle.

This all transpired in the span of maybe three minutes during which time I had sat up, set the alarm on my phone and laid back down to fall back to sleep seconds later. I don't know how long The Man fumed and fussed but I do know that I would have killed him if I had been any more awake.

Bottom line to all this was that his phone was NOT damaged in the least. It had just gone dead because he hadn't charged it in the last three days !

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