Sunday, May 31, 2020


If you have been reading my nonsense for any amount of time, (like a week), you will by now have realized that although I do love men they drive me NUTS !  Even the very best of the breed can be just plain DUMB without even trying.

But then I DO realize that 90% of my issues with the opposite sex is me. God help these poor men who take me into their lives.

I have always been a fan of the guys.  Being an only child I would often hang out with my dad because my mom was busy taking care of . . . well, EVERYTHING !!!  I didn't realize it as a kid or even as a young adult that my mom was amazing and a real live Super Wonder Woman.  She took care of my 2 grand pa's, paid the bills, ran everything in the house and had to put up with a young child who was more often than not, a brat !  My father went to work and brought home the money.  Not to say he didn't work his ass off but he had it easy compared to what my mother did. God love my dad that he spent a lot of time with me in order to give my mother a break. I learned all about the tools in his shop and how to use them AND how to take care of them.  Husband NEVER learned that lesson and it seems that Mr. Man isn't as good at it as he likes to make you think he is.

Today I asked The Man for a box cutter.  Not a big item, just a plain old razor in a holder.  His answer to this request was the same answer that I have gotten for the last two hundred things I have asked about . . .  "Oh I'm sure I have one around here someplace" . . . but he has yet to successfully find one single thing.

I have told you before about the size of this house, (not large), and the amount of furniture that it contains.  There are cabinets, drawers, shelves galore and each and every one of them is packed to overflowing.  In a bedroom with three dressers in it I have managed to eke out TWO drawers. The remainder of the space is FILLED with crap and stuff and shit.  If The Man owns one tee shirt he owns fifty but only wears the same three day after day.  I don't get that but what ever.

So when I ask for something it is no surprise to me that he has NO idea where it could be. I'm beginning to think he just doesn't want to be bothered when I need something . . . it's just easier to say he can't find it.  So I took things into my own hands today and ventured into the garage, which by the way is the same size as the house I raised my family in . . . 30' X 50' . . . Thats a BIG garage.  but having been here for a while I'm beginning to know where I MIGHT find this or that.  I was sure I could find a box cutter some where in the mess of stuff out there so I waited until The Man was on another part of the property with his mower and I quickly made my dash out to the garage.  The Man must have an alarm wired into his mower because I wasn't in the building two seconds before I heard him coming. Sure enough he stopped just outside the door and yelled in, "What are you doing?" Not nasty or anything, just asking.  I told him I was looking for a box cutter and his answer was, "Well it's not out here."  Now I ask you . . . if you know it's NOT "out here" then you must have a pretty good idea of where it IS . . . am I wrong ??   The box cutter is just the tip of the iceberg. I've have been looking for different garden tools and so far I have not had The Man be able to tell me where to find a single thing. I was looking for a weed whacker, which he says he has, BUT has no idea where it is.
How the "F" do you misplace a weed whacker ?  I give up . .  .

Which brings me to THE EXCEPTION . . .  My BFF Sharon is married to a man who, if I am not mistaken, actually takes care of his toys. Bob is not the perfect man . . . We know "The Perfect Man" is as illusive as a unicorn, but Bob knows how to take care of his stuff. He has a shop that is probably cleaner than my living room. I can not imagine him not knowing where the box cutter or the weed whacker are. And unlike Husband they would not be sitting in the middle of the living room !

I don't know what's worse, a man who can't find anything or a man who left everything laying all over the place  . . .

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