Wednesday, May 13, 2020


It is NOT rocket science. . .   Your answer will not change the fate of the millions of people on Earth .
Your life is not in jeopardy if you answer one way or the other . . . Well . . . I can't promise you that one.

What is it about some people who can NOT answer a question with a simple answer of "YES" or "NO" ?  Some people  . . . You KNOW who I am talking about . . . just HAVE to go into a twenty minute dissertation when asked a simple question like, "Do you want steak for dinner tonight?". I do believe that question can be answered with a one word answer but NO . . . "we" have to discuss what food is in the fridge/freezer and what we have eaten for the past thirty two days.  I have already processed all that in my mind before I presented the question and am looking for an affirmative or negative response. Instead I get the Gettysburg Address !  Good God man I don't have all day to listen to you. Well, actually I do but it is getting increasingly difficult to remain focused and polite.

Things are wearing very thin around here and although I am REALLY trying to be nice I fear I just may loose it one of these times.  Today there were several occasions when I asked a simple question requiring nothing more that a simple answer of "yes" or "no" but which took a good ten minutes each to respond to.   Do Men think they are SO wise that they need to elaborate on every single thing they say ?  I think the male answer to that is . . ."well, it really depends on what day it is and whether the humidity is above 45% but if the moon is full then you can't count on that being entirely true so I think we will require more time and information before we give a definitive answer".
A  woman's answer . . . "YES" !

We are in count down mode here and I am hoping I will make it before the nuclear blast goes off in my brain.  Mr. Man has decided we are leaving here THIS Friday to drive up to Michigan.  You can not imagine the lengthy discussion on his part before making this decision.  (I just listened because he really wasn't interested in my input.  It is a 3 day drive which means staying 2 nights in a hotel/motel. I am on edge about this but I guess right now is as good a time as any to make the move. Mr. Man is understandably anxious to get back to his place now that the weather is warming up in MI and and it has hopefully stopped snowing. I will not let him drive back alone. Being on Oxygen 24/7 means he has to drag an oxygen concentrator in and out of motels along with suitcase and a shit load of medication. The concentrator weighs a ton and he can't manage it without passing out. The fact that I am two years older than him, a woman with a bad back, bad shoulders and one bad knee does not seem to factor into this equation. That is my fault for being me, Little Miss "I can do that for you" ! I did it with Husband and now have done the same thing with The Man. I just want to be helpful and kind and it bites me in the butt every time. But I digress . . . again . . .  FOCUS !!!!

That is my new word these days for when I'm standing in the kitchen wondering what I was doing three seconds ago.  Perhaps I could focus better if I didn't have a man standing in the same room talking constantly about nothing.  Today I left the man for a couple of hours while I went to the chiropractor and the grocery store. It was HEAVEN !  But then I had to come home and listen to the blow by blow re-enactment of his morning.  It went something like this . . . "I got up and had my coffee and two sweet rolls while I was reading the paper."  (I did not need to know any of that.)  "Then the phone rang and it was the VA hospital in Iron Mountain, MI where I go to see my doctors when I am in Michigan. I have an appointment there next Tuesday with the pulmonologist but since the hospital is closed for appointments they called to tell me they will call when they open back up."
(And the point of this conversation is ?????).  Suffice to say it just went down hill from there for the rest of the afternoon.

I just have to add this . . . I went into the house to use the bathroom and as I put my hand on the door knob to go back outside where I am writing this The Man spoke . . . At first I didn't know what he said so I stupidly stopped and said, "What?" rather than pretending I hadn't heard him.  Big Mistake!  It went something like this . . .

The Man . . . "An Easy Recipe for Prime Rib" .
Me . . ."HUH?"
   (Now this is at 7:30 at night,  we have already eaten dinner and it was not prime rib.  We are       leaving town in 36 hours so there is no chance we will be making prime rib any time soon.)

The Man . . .  "A recipe for an easy way to make prime rib!  You heat the . . . . . . . . "
And on and on and on IN DETAIL for the next five minutes . . . He took so long with this that I had to pee again by the time he was finished.

And I am going to be shut in a car with him for THREE days ????  Pray for me . . . or maybe you better say some prayers for The Man.

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