Friday, February 10, 2012


Went to the chiropractor again today and he is on my case, (rightfully so), to get my arse in gear and get exercising. I have given up on Curves mostly because it was getting to be a bore and I was feeling stressed to get myself there 3 times a week. Not a good mental state so I dropped out when my membership expired. Did I pick up another form of exercise?  Who are you kidding . . . Exercise is a dirty word to me so I have just been coasting along telling myself that carrying the laundry basket from the bedroom to the washer was good enough. Then there were the days that I really got wild and crazy and actually took a walk for 10 minutes. WOO HOO !  Needless to say my bones and muscles are needing more than 20 minutes a week.
I HATE exercise! Hate with a capital H !  Nothing more boring and dull than exercising. Walking on the treadmill isn't quite as bad as long as I can watch a movie and eat a snack while doing it. But since I can't get my wireless connection working the movie watching is out so I haven't been near the treadmill in months.
Today H and I were going to take a nice long walk over in one of the local jungles that are called "parks" but it was pouring rain all day so that was out. I decided I would come home and clean the garage. That would include a lot of lifting, bending, and general moving around. But when we came home and I finished checking out Facebook the sun had come out so I wanted to be out side. The humidity has been high this week and once the sun came out the thermometer went up to the high 70's. The pool has been looking particularly wonderful these days but it IS February, which means that the water in our unheated pool is usually quite chilly. I went out anyway and stuck in a toe and low and behold it really wasn't that cold. (0r so my toe thought). I didn't dare look at the alligator thermometer floating around in the water because if I had a number in my head I wouldn't get in. It did take a moment or ten to get into the water but it was a great incentive to MOVE !  I jumped, kicked, did jumping jacks and all sorts of other lively movements just to stay warm and by the time I was warming up I had been exercising for 20 minutes. GO FIGURE!  It felt great and I felt like I had actually done something to help this aging old body.

(I think the screams of shock getting into the water probably burned off more calories than the actual exercise but as long as I'm burning calories, who cares how I do it! )  BTW  The water was 77 degrees. That is warmer than the ocean is right now. And you have to admit, it does look inviting!

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