Monday, February 20, 2012


Today my little "Frizzlebean" turns 4 !  WE will probably be seeing her one of these days as her other Grandpa, Fred, is very ill and will probably pass away in the near future.  That's a lousy reason to get a trip to MD but I will be delighted to see my little ones. Kaelin had a party on Saturday with ALL of her Maryland family there with her. Even her cousin Jansen and her friend from school, Brook, were at the party and from what we saw a GREAT time was had by all.  The two girls got to wear "Fairy" wings that mommy bought and the cake was decorated with Tinker Bell and all her Fairy friends. The princesses took a back seat to the fairies for the party but Kaelin got a Princess dress for her birthday so today when the family went to see DISNEY ON ICE Kaelin was dressed like the princess Bell from Beauty and the Beast. We just got off the computer Skyping with the family and Kaelin is WIRED! She looks like a princes and they all had a wonderful wonderful time at the show, with the exception of the idiot people who don't own watches so they never make it to the show on time. Keri says they even held up starting the show so that all the late comers would be seated but there were still people pushing their way into the aisle once the show had started.  That is just plain rude!  What ever happened to the Broadway show action of shutting the doors once the show started so that the audience who did get there on time were not disturbed by the idiots who are late?  Got me!
So the fourth birthday was a huge success and Grand ma cannot believe that it has been 4 years since this beautiful child was born. I still can't get it through my head that Abby is 7 ! SEVEN !  Impossible!
And speaking of Abby . . .   she and her family just returned from Marrakesh. I used to think it was a big deal to go to Rockaway when I was a kid. That was a BIG vacation. And now my grand kids are traveling half way around the world. But when you live in England, Morocco is only 3 hours away by plane so why not go?  The gang was there for 4 days and they had a ball.  Abby rode a camel, Roman said it was "TOO TALL" for him so he stayed on the ground. They had a tour guide drive them all around and take them to the "souks" or markets. That was the high point what with the snake charmers and trained monkeys.  Now they are back in chilly England and starting on the next 6 weeks of school until they are off for their next adventure.
As for us, we are waiting for the arrival of Ger's sister Ann Marie.  You remember her, the queen of shopping. I am sure she will have at least 2 HUGE suitcases and 2 carry ons and then not know where she will pack all the things she buys down here when it is time to go home. We actually talked her into coming for 3 weeks this time and I can't wait.  We have such a good time together she is always a welcome guest. But then we will probably have to take off for a few days to go to MD for a funeral and leave AM here on her own to soak up the sun all by herself.  I'll be sure to leave her a list of chores !

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