Sunday, February 12, 2012


My knowledge of Africa is non existent. I know it is on the other side of the Atlantic and it has a LOT of countries on/in it. There are very poor countries in which you hear horrible things are happening. There is South Africa that I know has Dutch history but much beyond that, I KNOW NOTHING! Knowing that I know nothing I would never want to be on Jeopardy. (Not to mention that I don't know much about all sorts of things.) Africa is one of those places that I have lumped in with China, Japan and basically the entire middle East that I NEVER want to visit. So why am I writing a blog about a place I don't care about, (I care deeply about the starving children and the genocide that plagues this continent but I do nothing about it.) or even know anything about?

Abby and Roman are in Africa! We can narrow it down to Marrakesh, Morocco. I had no idea where Marrakesh was before the kids went there on vacation. But thanks to Google I now know that it Morocco is a country in north west Africa.  Marrakesh is a city in the country of Morocco. Beyond that . . . I know nothing !
Why would someone want to go there? Why Not !  If you are living in England and have a weeks vacation then go go go. I wonder if Abby and Roman understand the amazing opportunities they have living in England and traveling all over the world on their vacations? Probably not now but some day I know they will look back in amazement. And Ger and I thought we were doing such wonderful traveling with our children when they were young.  Ten years of traveling across the United States in a pop up camper just can't compare with the experiences of Abby and Roman. But then, when you think about it, just the idea of traveling outside your city or state is an experience so many kids will never have.

TAKE LOTS OF  PICTURES!  And don't forget to ride a camel while you're there. Don't bring home any figs or dates even though I bet they are wonderful. The UK won't let you back in with food.
The more I think about it, I may have to put Marrakesh on my bucket list. I bet it is fantastic !

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