Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Roman hasn't come home from school yet and Abby is on the play ground with some other kids before she has to come home and start homework. Ger and I are here at the house resting our weary bones after walking into town for the day. I have no idea just how far it is to walk into town.  It feels like miles but is probably only about 3/4 of a mile. It's a pleasant walk and we get to see all the gardens as we go. Every garden is filled with flowers, even though it is still quite chilly.  Today it is warming up a bit so by the time we arrived in town we were quite warm and wound up taking our coats off. H had prepared for WINTER and had on 4 layers of shirts so by the time we were in and out of a few shops he was on the verge of melting.
Our first stop in town was for lunch. (I had slept till 10:15 today so we didn't get going till nearly 11) K&B have a loyalty card of sorts that they gave us for 4 different pubs in town. We chose the first one we came to, "51" was the name of it, and it was an excellent choice. Lovely atmosphere, some place we had never been to and the food was wonderful. Ger had sausage and mash and I had a "hot pot", which was basically a small lamb stew. YUMMY ! We do have a complaint to lodge with the British Pubs though. If you order an ale or cider you get served in a HUGE pint glass filled to the  brim.  But should you order a soda (cola) you get a tiny little glass with a bunch of ice cubes and very little liquid. It pays to DRINK when eating out. Ger is going through withdrawal not having his usual 3 liters of Pepsi or Coke for lunch. We had to have a pot of tea when we came home we were so thirsty.
After we ate we wandered in and out of some of the shops. There are tons of thrift shops in Windsor, each one sponsoring a different organization.  I love going in and out of them but H had different plans for the day. He is in search of Olympic Pins for friends back home so today we cased out all the shops that might sell the pins. For a country who is hosting the Summer Olympics in 3 months the Olympic souvenirs are few and far between. One of our usual go-to shops did have a nice selection so we will return to town at the end of the trip if we don't see any in any of the other places we visit.
After a stop for an ice cream cone we returned to the house to await the arrival of the kids from school. The sun has come out so the 2 of them are taking advantage of some nice sunshine to prolong the attack on home work. Tonight Bridget has a meeting so G and I will be in charge of getting the kids to bed at a reasonable time. I bought a book for myself to read to them tonight so hopefully we will get an early enough start for bed so I don't get us into trouble. Kyle is in Italy tonight so it is just Grandma and Grandpa in charge when mom is out. That could be dangerous!
Tomorrow Bridget and I were supposed to go to a flower arranging class in the library so Bridget stopped and got 2 beautiful bunches of flowers for us to work with. But then she got a call cancelling the class due to lack of interest. That's probably a good thing because G and I are going to GRAND PARENTS LUNCH with Abby tomorrow. 

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