Saturday, May 23, 2015


The characters from Winnie The Pooh have always lived in my mind and heart.  I don't remember when I first discovered them but they have been with me from some of my youngest memories. I softly shared them with my children and all the children I taught. I'm sure none of these children remember much of Pooh but I was always fond of singing, "Isn't it funny how a bear likes honey, Buzz Buzz Buzz, I wonder why he does".  It's a "ditty" that stuck in my head from ages ago and remains there still. That along with the poem, "They're changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, Christopher Robin went down with Alice . . .  " I can still, today, recite the first verse.

My kids did not have Winnie The Pooh stuffed animals nor did they have Pooh and friends decorating their nursery walls when they were babies but to this day I have Eeyore sitting on my bed. I found him somewhere years and years ago and I HAD to have him. Besides his buttoned on tail, sad eyes and droopy ears he emits a "sigh" when hugged. He has been my favorite "stuffed" companion through the years. (Aside from Sammy Lamby who finally disintegrated about 30 years ago. Now THAT was a well loved stuffed animal.  Sammy came to me when I was 3 and had my tonsils out and I never let him go until our tearful good-by sometime back in the 80's.) Eeyore has sort of replaced Sammy in my life although I don't carry him around nearly as much as I did Sammy.

Today as I was talking with a Florida Friend, (who needs to be distinguished from my BFF's in NY because NO ONE will ever replace the love I have for Sharon and Jeanne!!!!!) my friend wondered why I remain friendly with people who are "Downers".  You know those people in your life who are just plain negative !  No matter what is going on in the world they twist it and turn it to be something that brings them down. You can be telling them about the most beautiful bird you had singing in your yard and they will tell you how the damn birds wake them up every morning. They will complain about the NOISE of the fountain, the annoyance of the gardeners working in the yard, (They are working in my yard so I don't have to be pulling weeds in 90 degree weather!!!). The Eeyors of the world will find a down side to an ice cream sundae !  I'm talking here about the pessimists, the grouches, the glass half empty type of folks.  Eeyore is always feeling SAD !  But he lives in the Thousand Acre Woods and has the BEST friends EVER ! Kanga and Roo, Piglet and Owl, Christopher Robin and my all time favorite TIGGER !!!  If ever there was a character I could identify with it is Tigger.   "He's bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, Full of fun, fun, fun." I really would like to think that I am like Tigger. And yet I do LOVE Eeyore in spite of all his woes.

I guess it just takes all kinds to make the world but if you think about it . . .  wouldn't you REALLY rather be Tigger ?

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