Thursday, May 21, 2015


Once again I have to tell you that I am proof that God has a great sense of humor.  Although the fact that I have not dropped dead already does say otherwise.

The other night as I was falling asleep I was chatting with THE LORD and telling Him just how great I was feeling.  Not so much physically but mentally and spiritually.  I am calm and at peace with everything. I thanked God for that blessing and my many, many other blessings and gave special thanks for this sense of well being.  No anxiety, no depression, no worry. Just plain happiness and joy at being alive and well.  I thanked God for my happiness and asked Him to please keep the devil from realizing what a good place I was in. And God said, "OK Catherine, I'm glad you realize your blessings and I'm happy to hear you say 'thank you'." (I didn't really hear God say this, I'm just imagining that's what He would have said. I'm not completely crazy yet. )

Then the next day arrived by way of a ringing telephone. And God began to chuckle. It was someone calling about the refinancing of my house, asking for some obscure paper that I SHOULD have "in my files".  Has this person ever SEEN my files?  Obviously NOT!  Oh, I have lovely files filling an entire desk drawer, AND 2 file cabinet drawers in the closet and 4 boxes in the garage. FILES did you say, you want me to find something in the files ??????  And God began to laugh.
I set to work to find this paper and 3 hours later I had come up with somethings that looked like they could possibly contain the information the bank needed. Now I had to fax the files to the bank. And God's laugh got louder.  I could get the fax machine to accept but not to SEND my faxes. I got out the instruction  manuel and started reprograming the fax machine. By now God had tears running down his face from laughing so hard.

The day ended with my stomach in a knot, my head pounding like a drum and me cursing the fact that I had been so smug to think I had this all under control.  Tonight when I go to bed I will simply thank The Lord for a wonderful day and shut up before I get myself into any more trouble.

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