Monday, May 27, 2019


We are really getting good at this camping stuff now that we have been gone a whole week. Haven't killed each other yet and so it get easier every day.
Yesterday we had a wonderful day at the hot springs. We were up around 5:45 AM after sleeping 9 hours. It is so funny how we are both adjusting to early nights and early mornings. (I know all who know me are in shock at the idea that I am up and functioning before noon.) But since the sun doesn't go down till 11 and comes up at 3 it really doesn't matter what time it says on the clock.
We had a FANTASTIC nights sleep thanks to D FINALLY not needing the heat to be at 200 degrees all night and the fact that I took some Advil PM, put on a sleep mask and had a couple of rum and cokes with dinner.
This morning we were on the road 7:00 AM on our way to Tok, Alaska. FINALLY back in the states!!
Canada is weird !!  All Canadians must be midgets because EVERY toilet sits about a foot and a half off the floor. I nearly killed myself the first time I sat on one. You expect your butt to hit the seat at about the same level every time but these toilets are SO LOW you need to hang on to the wall to keep from hitting the floor.  Trying to get off the bowl is a whole another adventure.  Thank God for the knee replacement ! The sinks are no better as they are set so low you have to bend over to wash your hands.
Any way . . . . we are back in the USA even if it is 3,300 miles from where we started. We drove 7 hours today and arrived in Tok at around 2:00. Set up our site at an all inclusive site, water, electric and SEWER !!  That means that tonight I do NOT have to run across the campground in my jammies to go take a shower or pee. WOOPIE !!!!!!!!  HOT shower IN the camper, a toilet that I can flush and dishes I can wash in the sink.  Life is GOOD !!!
The camp ground is called "Sourdough" and apparently they have sourdough tossing contests each night, (today's breakfast left overs?) . The winner gets a free breakfast tomorrow. It SMELLS delicious of hot baked pie so I may stay here forever.
Dinner will be shrimp that we brought frozen from Michigan that D"s son brought to him from Alaska a month ago.  Nice we are returning the shrimp back to their native state. We will grill them in our magic frying pan with some spices and herbs and save the leftovers to make shrimp salad tomorrow.

We are headed to Valdez tomorrow to meet D's son DJ and Rene and get MORE shrimp. They have been down there on the boat for 3 days fishing and shrimping. We will stay in Valdez about 6 days and then move on to the Kenai Peninsula for a few days.  It is starting to get fun !!!

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