Thursday, July 25, 2019


Do you know how much you can accomplish in a day when you get up at 5:00 in the morning ??  The answer to that is NO . . .  I don't know how much I can accomplish in a day that begins at 5:00 A.M. because by 8:00 A.M. I am ready to go back to bed !

This whole "getting older" crap is getting mighty old mighty fast. I remember when I turned 40 one of my doctors said, "Well, you ARE getting to be "THAT AGE". Just exactly what "That Age" means I didn't have a clue but I CAN tell you that since I turned 40, (well over 34 years ago), it has been down hill ever since.  Going "down hill is also one of those terms that is an oxymoron because every day that I am "going down hill" it feels like I am trudging up hill and the hill is getting steeper by the minute !  Right about now I feel like I am climbing Mount Everest.

I am finding that besides the increase in aches and pains, the daily weight gain, the loss of memory and attention span this whole sleep issue is really making me feel old. One day I can't stay awake beyond seven o'clock at night and the next night I am up until 4 I the morning. Last night I had guests for dinner so by 11:00 P.M. I was tired and ready for a good night's sleep. I fell asleep right away but woke up at five this morning to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. Six hours of sleep is not what I am used to.  I was the QUEEN OF SLEEP up until a year ago when I had knee replacement surgery. That totally destroyed my sleep patterns and I still can not get back to my normal 12 hours of sleep. I do think that the peeing 14 times a night, (just another joy of getting older), has an impact on the quality of sleep but then I should be tired from all that running back and forth to the potty. But the opposite seems to happen causing me to loose sleep because every time I get up to pee my brain wakes up and gets thinking of all the things I could or should be doing.  This is totally irrational because even though it is much cooler at 2 A.M. I can't see in the dark so there is no sense getting up to weed my garden. I have also found that most of my friends do NOT like to get phone calls or text messages at 2 in the morning so that is another thing I can't do. Beyond catching up on e-mail or blogging there isn't a hell of a lot to do during these midnight hours.

To complete this cycle of insanity,  if I do get up at five in the morning I need/want a nap by 11 at the latest. If I give in to this urge I feel refreshed when I get up but then can't fall asleep at night because I took a nap.     I just can't win !

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