Monday, August 15, 2011


Once again it is almost 1 AM and we are still awake. S&J did take another nap today but Lynne and I stayed up chatting. Then we all went out to the movies and came home at 10PM to have "dinner" and dessert. Maybe the chocolate eclair is why I am still awake. Lynne is out like a light, Jeanne is watching TV in her room and Sharon is reading.
It was another very nice day today that started with mass at L's beautiful church. From there we went to a "junk" store and found all sorts of good stuff to buy.  I had to keep reminding myself that I was flying home so I could not buy that service for 12 set of dishes. After our shopping expedition we went to pick up Jeanne's car that only had a bad clamp and did not cost her anything. PHEW! Sharon was starting  to panic that we would be stuck in Ohio for the week and Jeanne was ready to fly home today. I think Jeanne is DONE with our road trip experience. I guess we won't be trying this again any time too soon. We did have a lovely lunch at a place that  L knew about right on some river. The food was excellent and the view just beautiful. We unfortunately decided to have some wine with lunch which then led to the napping once again in the middle of the afternoon. This crowd is really wild and crazy! I just don't know if I can keep up with them for much longer. Mean while you will be amazed to know that I am averaging a mere 8 hours sleep a night. I am having too much fun to sleep any longer and if you sleep they talk about you so I don't want to miss a thing.
Speaking of talking about you, these women "Get Me". There are very few people on this earth that really really know me. I don't even know myself as well as my good friends do. Jeanne says it like it is and if I am being stupid, she tells me. Sharon is a little kinder but does not let me get away with stupid either. And yet we laugh all the time and take no offense when one of us speaks up. It is very refreshing to just relax and not be on guard every moment for fear of saying something that will offend someone. It is unfortunate that we cannot be this way with our husbands but sadly that is how it is. Husbands are always on the defensive, (I wonder why?) where as girl friends just listen and either tell you that you are full of shit or agree with you. We have gotten into the best discussions on this trip and haven't gotten mad at each other at all. I love these women for their honesty and love and am so happy to have had this opportunity to share this time with them. Ready as we are to head home I know we will still find a thousand more things to talk about on the ride home and will still be BFF's when we arrive home. Jeanne may not want to see Sharon and I for a few months but Sharon and I could just keep going and going. The giggling just gets better and better and works so much better than Valium.

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