Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We have such interesting lives . . . and are enjoying every minute of every adventure.  Even the loss of air conditioning in ninety degree weather. Yep, you heard me, NO AC ! Now don't send out the little men in the white coats and nets but I have got to tell you, it is not that bad. Seriously!
It all started yesterday when I was sitting moaning about how horrid I was feeling. (Some sort of virus/flu bug) I was aching all over and running a fever and haven't eaten a meal in days. (I love that part cause I have lost 10 pounds.) Anyway, there I was thinking how good the Tylenol were helping me feel  when I decided to go out back and take a swim. I hadn't felt like moving up to that point so this was great progress. I went to the back door and opened it only to realize it was cooler OUTSIDE than it was in the house. HUH? What the ?  I checked the thermostat and it read 91 degrees in the house. Up to that point I hadn't realized the house was that hot. I really must be sick. Usually I am aware if the house temperature rises 2 degrees, never mind 16 degrees.  Ger, naturally hadn't noticed a thing but then he was in and out chatting with the handyman who was working on the fence around the AC unit. (Could Charlie have done something to the AC unit? Anything is possible. Especially if he had Ger chatting in he ear the entire time he was working.) I called the AC company that we have a GOLD contract with (I never can remember . . .  is platinum better than gold . . . and what the heck difference does it make? Write one contract and make it a "Take it or leave it". Do you want your AC fixed or not!) Bottom line, AC dude is soooooooooooooooooooooooo  busy he can't get here till today. (Which was tomorrow when I called and will probably be yesterday by the time it finally gets fixed.)
So we lived like the native Floridians did when Florida was still just one huge swamp. And I have got to tell you, it is not that bad ! Of course we have all the fans going, all the windows and doors open and there is a breeze coming in off the ocean that happens to be 4 miles away but still gives us a breeze almost every day. You will probably say, "Oh yea, and you have a pool to cool off in" except the pool water is 92 degrees which is actually warmer than the air. But it is nice when you come out.
We had realized the AC was off around 4 yesterday afternoon and it is now 10:20 AM. The AC dude should arrive between 1&3. We shall see about that. Apparently EVERYONE'S AC is going out and he is a very popular guy. I'd bake him brownies except that it is too hot to turn on the oven. I suppose I could just put the batter out in the sun and bake them that way.
But back to our adventure . . . come sundown, around 8:30, things were sort of starting to cool down. By 9:30 Ger and I were done and after a cooling shower we decided to call it a night, figuring we wouldn't get a great night's sleep in the heat but it was easier than packing ourselves up to go over to our son's empty condo. Funny thing how once our heads hit the pillow, the fan over the bed cooling us, the back door open to the night air, we slept like babies. It was great. I guess we have become true Floridians and the heat just doesn't bother us that much any more.
I also think the 2 Tylenol PM might have helped.

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